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All works contained herein are a trademark (TM) of Arsonoxide productions and under copy write by Stormi Donnelly Registered & Protected

Copyright © 2005 Stormi Donnelly - Arsonoxide Production - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I tend to be very choosy about who I befriend. I am a very jealous person and a woman needs only glance at my husband in a way I would deem as inappropriate in any fashion and I am likely to fly into a fit of rage. In addition I am not a fan of fake people. I don’t feel as though they could ever be my friends because you never really know them, only what they want you to know, which is usually farthest from the truth. But now I am having difficulty communicating with people that are supposed to be my friends. I feel as though I am neglecting or depriving myself of intellectual stimulation of any kind simply by the company I keep. The friend that I spend the most time with presently had a vocabulary of maybe fifty words and most of them are vulgarities. I said the word “condiment” the other day and her response was “he he you said condom.” my 15 and 17 year old step children can hold a more scholarly conversation then her and she is 25 years old. I have one friend that dose not make me feel as though my IQ is dropping with every visit, my neighbor, and she has been so busy lately that we have had very little time to spend together. Is it really so much to ask to be granted a few friends that are not licentious or stupid?

1 comment:

  1. Hey sis.. I don't think it's too much to ask to have a few friends that can hold a decent, intellectual conversation for more than three minutes without it starting to feel like they're reading from Wikipedia just to keep up. You know I'm just a phone call away whenever you're feeling up for some sister talk ;)

    I have to say though - be glad that you at least have someone to hang out with and such - these days the most stimulating conversations I have come from my husband and while I love him - he's not the best conversationalist lol

    Love you! xxx
